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past java sites of the day ...
extreme programming is a humanistic discipline of software development, based on principles of simplicity, communication, feedback, and courage. xp was developed by kent beck, who says: the roots of xp go much further back, of course. i'm just trying to achieve for myself a pale imitation of what ward cunningham does naturally, and to teach others.

java platform debugger architecture
got bugs? here's the new debugging support for the java 2 platform. jpda provides the infrastructure needed to build end-user debugger applications. the download includes its layered api's: java debug interface, java debug wire protocol, and the jvm debug interface.

junit - programmers love writing tests
every programmer knows they should write tests for their code, but few do. the universal response to "why not?" is "i'm in too much of a hurry." this quickly becomes a vicious cycle. discover junit instead...

ibm developerworks - java
if you didn't know that sun had created java, you might think ibm was running the show. here you'll find ibm's jvm for linux and windows, in addition to jcentral and the alphaworks projects. cool stuff from big blue.

esemplare development
esemplare has created the interesting and free "galileo application server". galileo is written in 100% pure java, and scales to support 128 independent processors. galileo features include session management, failover, extensibility, platform independence, and more.

scoop on java
richard baldwin offers dozens of free tutorials to help java developers at all levels - beginner, intermediate, and advanced. the latest additions include security in jdk 1.2, servlets, and jdbc.

java coffee break
articles, tutorials, applets, beans, and more can be found at david reilly's java coffee break. tutorials include getting started, dealing with classes, file i/o, networking, and creating a text adventure game with java.

patterns home page
the patterns home page at -- information about all aspects of software patterns and pattern languages. patterns are ways to describe best practices, good designs, and capture experience in a way that it is possible for others to reuse. links include books, papers, online resources, and pattern catalogs.

java code conventions
java code conventions, from; revised april 20, 1999. ever wonder why code conventions are a good thing? check out sun's site and learn the "java way" to create and organize your code -- file organization, code indentation, declarations, statements, programming practices, and more ...

thinking in java
here's the free electronic version of bruce eckel's terrific "thinking in java" book. come here to download the pdf, or view the html version. you'll also find links to help with your questions, and update code that covers java 1.2. great stuff!

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